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Last modified: July 16, 2024

Referral program FAQs and Terms

Qualifying referring Fullscript Dispensaries are eligible to receive additional margin when they refer a Qualifying Referral. Here are some commonly asked questions. For more information and complete terms and conditions, continue scrolling or click here.


If you are a profit account, the Referral Bonus Offer you receive as part of the Peer Referral Program will end as of Aug 14th, 2024. Any peer referrals that sign up through Aug 14 will qualify for the added bonus opportunity for 30 days.

Qualifying referring Fullscript dispensaries 

Who is eligible to participate in the Referral Program offer?

Any Fullscript practitioner can refer a practitioner to use Fullscript; however, only Fullscript practitioners within a Fullscript Profit Account are eligible to participate in the Referral Bonus offer for their Fullscript Dispensary.

Referral Bonus is applied to the Fullscript Dispensary, which can be composed of multiple Individual Accounts. Any Individual Account holder may refer practitioners; however, the Referral Bonus will be applied to the Fullscript Dispensary rather than the Individual Account.

Can staff within a Fullscript Dispensary refer?

Yes, Individual Account holders within a Fullscript Dispensary may refer. Individual Account holders can see who they’ve referred to the program, but they cannot see who has been referred by other practitioners within their Dispensary.

Individual Account practitioners do not have access to Referral Bonus settings.


What is the Referral Bonus?

Each Qualifying Referral made by a Fullscript Dispensary entitles that Fullscript Dispensary to receive an additional 5% margin for 30 days (from the date in which the referral became eligible), up to 12 times.

  • For example, if your Fullscript Dispensary usually earns 25% margin, it will be increased to 30% for 30 days.
    • The additional margin will be added on top of the margin amount set on the Fullscript Dispensary at the time of the sale placed through the Fullscript Dispensary, within the 30 day period.
    • Patient discounts and promotions will not be affected by the margin increase.

The Referral Bonus will be applied to the sales placed through the Fullscript Dispensary, up to $225 USD ($275 CAD) within the 30 day period per Qualifying Referral.

Each additional Qualifying Referral adds a new 30-day period of Referral Bonus. The $ maximum that can be earned is set per Qualifying Referral and renews at the start of each 30-day period. The margin % is not impacted by the number of referrals.

  • For example, if you refer a second Qualifying Referral, you’ll receive an additional 30 days of 5% margin increase. If that second referral becomes active 5 days after the first referral, then you now have 55 days left of additional margin on the Fullscript Dispensary. However, the maximum payout earnings per referral (USD $225 or $275 CAD) apply to each 30 day period. So in this scenario, you can earn up to $225 for the next 25 days (from the first Qualifying Referral), and then up to a new $225 USD ($275 CAD) for the 30 days that follow.

Is there a limit to the number of referrals I can make?

You can make as many referrals to Fullscript as you’d like, but you’ll only receive the Referral Bonus offer for up to 12 Qualifying Referrals per Fullscript Dispensary.

When does the Referral Bonus start?

The 30-day Referral Bonus period starts on the date in which the person you referred qualifies by meeting the criteria outlined below.

When do I get paid out from sales during the Referral Bonus offer period?

The Referral Bonus will be applied to sales placed through your Fullscript Dispensary during the 30-day period. Any earnings from the Referral Bonus offer on these sales will be applied to your next payout.

Does the Referral Bonus offer impact patient discounting?

No, the Referral Bonus does not affect patient discounting.

Is there a limit to how much I can earn from Referral Bonus offer?

Yes, the Referral Bonus will be applied to the sales placed through your Fullscript Dispensary up to a maximum margin earning of $225 USD ($275 CAD), per Qualifying Referral.

What happens if some of the sales placed through my Fullscript Dispensary are refunded during the Referral Bonus offer?

If there’s a refund on a sale placed through your Fullscript Dispensary during a Referral Bonus earning period, that refund will be subtracted from your earnings and will not count towards your earning maximum on the Referral Bonus.

What if I don’t want to receive the Referral Bonus offer?

  • The Fullscript Dispensary Owner can opt out of the Referral Bonus offer in Dispensary settings.
  • Margin accounts with 0% margin are automatically opted out of the Referral Bonus offer.
  • Margin Accounts can opt in or out of the Referral Bonus offer on the Permissions page found in Dispensary settings.
  • While an Account is opted out of the Referral Bonus offer, the Account forfeits any additional margin from referrals that become eligible.

Why didn’t I get a 5% Referral Bonus offer on a referral that signed up?

You will not receive a 5% Referral Bonus offer if:

In these scenarios, any referral tracked on the Referral Dashboard will appear as “referred.”

You will also not receive a 5% Referral Bonus if the person you’ve referred has not completed their account and had their credentials approved within 60 days of signing up. See Who can I refer? for more information.

Referring a practitioner

Who can I refer?

You can invite any practitioner to sign up for Fullscript, but in order to count towards the Referral Bonus offer, the referred practitioner must meet the following criteria:

  • The practitioner you’ve referred to Fullscript must create a new Fullscript Dispensary — they can’t already have an account, and can’t join an existing Fullscript Dispensary.
  • The practitioner you’ve referred must hold an active healthcare license/ registration.
    • Since Fullscript is a service that connects health practitioners with their patients, it’s important to maintain the professional integrity of the platform in alignment with our Acceptable Use Policy.
    • Students will not be counted as Qualifying Referrals. This includes students working towards achieving a state or provincial-issued license at an accredited institution for an approved healthcare profession.
  • The invited practitioner must complete their account and have their credentials approved within 60 days of signing up in order to qualify as a Qualifying Referral.
    • An account is considered complete when the referred practitioner has established a Fullscript Dispensary using one of the available authentication methods (ex. Google SSO, Email), provided their certification, and selected an account type (as either margin or no-margin).
  • At this time, the invited practitioner must register their account in the country you reside in (Canada or US).

Are the previous referrals I’ve made eligible for Referral Bonus?

No, referrals that were made outside of the Referral Program, or while you’re opted out of the Referral Bonus offer, will not be eligible for Referral Bonus.

What will the referred practitioner receive?

The practitioner you refer will receive information about Fullscript:

  • If you refer a practitioner by email (by submitting the email of the person you’d like to refer on, the addressee will receive an email sent on your behalf, inviting them to sign up for Fullscript. Your name and email will appear in the message sent to the addressee. This is the only email that will be sent to the addressee until they’ve created an account, or opt in to receiving Fullscript emails.
  • If you refer a practitioner by link (copying and pasting the link or choosing one of the social media share options on, the practitioner will see your unique referral link to sign up to Fullscript.

Practitioners referred to Fullscript do not receive an additional offer.

Legal terms

Fullscript Referral Program Offer Terms and Conditions

These Fullscript Referral Program Offer Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) apply to the Fullscript Referral Program Offer (“Program”) and govern the participation of Fullscript Dispensaries and Individual Accounts that refer, and those they refer, in the Program. These Terms are in addition to the Fullscript Terms of Service and Privacy Statement. By participating in the Program, you confirm that you accept these Terms and will comply with them; if you do not agree to these Terms in their entirety, you are not authorized to participate in the Program.

Description of the Program

The Program allows eligible Fullscript Dispensaries and Individual Accounts (“Referring Practitioners”) to receive additional margin by referring to Fullscript first-time, new “Qualifying Referrals.” To become a Qualifying Referral, a referred practitioner must complete their account and become certified by Fullscript for the first time. Certification is granted by Fullscript upon review of qualifying credentials.

Referring Practitioners. Practitioners within a Fullscript Profit Account are eligible to receive additional margin for their account. Practitioners within no-margin accounts are ineligible to receive additional margin. Referring Practitioners shall only refer practitioners in the U.S. or Canada.

Qualifying Referral. To qualify as a Qualifying Referral, a referred practitioner must (i) not have an existing Fullscript Dispensary or be part of an existing Fullscript Dispensary; (ii) be eligible to create a new Fullscript Dispensary; (iii) create a new Fullscript Dispensary, using the provided referral link; and (iv) provide appropriate credentials for their Fullscript Dispensary. The referred practitioner has 60 days from the date of account creation to complete their account and become certified. Accounts created by current or former Fullscript Dispensaries, or new accounts created under a Fullscript Dispensary, do not qualify. Referred practitioners will see the Referring Practitioner’s profile on the referral landing page for your Referral Link. Practitioners referred by email will see the Referring Practitioner’s profile on the email initiated by your account. Qualifying Referrals will be attributed upon approval of credentials by Fullscript. Students cannot qualify as Qualifying Referrals.

Additional Margin. Referring Practitioner shall receive 30 days of additional margin for each Qualifying Referral, limited to the first 12 Qualifying Referrals only (i.e., the first 12 Qualifying Referrals they referred under the Program). Additional referrals will not receive additional margin.

Use of the Dashboard

Your referrals can be made and tracked on the Referral Dashboard within your account, including your referrals sent, referrals in process, and Qualifying Referrals.

Sharing Referral Links and Emails

Referrals must only be used in good faith for personal and non-commercial purposes and in compliance with all applicable laws. You agree and represent that you will use referral methods and techniques that people will appreciate and that are legal. You should only contact people who have given you their consent to be contacted. You agree and represent that you will always be mindful to respect the privacy of others (i.e., do not spam), be honest, open, and transparent about who you are and what you are offering (i.e., do not mislead). Referral links must not be shared, published, or distributed where there is no reasonable basis for believing that the recipients are personal connections (such as coupon websites or any other websites or pages that are not owned or controlled by you). You agree that you will not create new or fake accounts, engage in self-referrals or otherwise compensate practitioners for accepting your referrals, set up accounts or accept referrals on behalf of other practitioners, or otherwise mislead anyone in connection with the Program.

Make sure to tell your practitioners and others who you invite to join Fullscript to check the laws that may apply to them and that you educate them about what it takes to be a responsible practitioner. Also please note that you cannot refer practitioners who are located in another county (i.e., if you are in the U.S., you can only refer other practitioners located in the U.S.).

The Program is provided via a platform that contains certain content (“Content”) including designs, text, graphics, images, video, information, logos, button icons, software, computer code, and other content. As between you and Fullscript, all Content is the property of Fullscript or its licensors, and is protected under copyright, trademark, and other laws. Fullscript authorizes you to access and use the Content subject to the Terms; this authorization is revocable at any time without notice and with or without cause. You may not represent yourself as an employee, intermediary, or agent or as being authorized to bind Fullscript. You may not create materials (including business cards, websites, or email addresses) bearing Company branding or that imply any affiliation or agency relationship between you and Fullscript. However, you must state that you are a Referring Practitioner who is encouraging practitioners to use Fullscript.

Margin Amount

Referring Practitioner will receive 30 days of additional 5% margin for each Qualifying Referral, limited to the first 12 Qualifying Referrals only. Payouts of any amounts associated with the additional margin opportunity will be made at your regularly scheduled payment periods, to the payout mechanism designated on your Fullscript account. The maximum amount of payout under the additional margin opportunity is limited to $225 USD ($275 CAD) per 30 day period. You are solely responsible for any tax consequences associated with participation in the Program, in addition to the Fullscript Terms of Service as they relate to the application of taxes.

Warranties and Indemnification

You represent and warrant that: (a) you have all necessary express consents and authorizations to participate in this Program, (b) you will fully comply at all times with all applicable laws and these Terms, and (c) and you will not infringe on the rights of any party (including Fullscript). Fullscript makes and gives no warranty that (i) the Program will meet your requirements; (ii) the Program will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free; (iii) the results obtained from the Program will be accurate or reliable; (iv) the quality of any products, services, information, or other material obtained through the Program will meet your expectations; and (v) any errors in service will be corrected. You will defend, indemnify and hold Fullscript harmless from and against all claims, damages, liabilities, losses, expenses and costs (including reasonable fees and expenses of attorneys and other professionals) arising out of or resulting from your negligence or intentional misconduct with respect to your participation in the Program, or your failure to comply with these Terms or applicable law.

Modification and Termination

Fullscript may at its sole discretion change, modify, cancel, or terminate the Program and/or your participation in the Program at any time, for any reason or no reason, and with or without any prior notice to you. All interpretations of the Program and these Terms will be at Fullscript’s sole discretion and our decisions will be final. Fullscript expressly reserves the right to withhold, deny, or cancel any margin increase and/or terminate your participation in the Program if Fullscript, in its sole discretion, deems any actions as fraudulent, abusive, unethical, suspicious, or otherwise inconsistent with these Terms or any other applicable law.

Additional Terms

Participation in the Program has no monetary value and may not be redeemed for cash. Participation is not transferable and may not be assigned, auctioned, traded, bartered, or sold. Upon termination of the Program or any portion thereof for any reason, or upon cancellation of your participation in the Program for any reason, any additional margin opportunity is forfeited. Participation in the Program cannot be combined with any other offer. Product and other restrictions apply. Offer void where prohibited.

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