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Last modified: September 23, 2024

Locating your Wellevate store data in Fullscript


The ability to migrate from Wellevate to Fullscript has closed as of Dec 16th, 2023. Providers and patients can no longer connect their Wellevate accounts to Fullscript. New Fullscript accounts will need to be created.

Overview: Locating Wellevate data to Fullscript

This guide outlines which data you can find in your Fullscript account if you completed the migration from Wellevate. If you did, you’ll find that most, though not all, ‘active’ data has been transferred to your Fullscript account.

Navigating your account, you can identify the data imported from Wellevate by the blue Wellevate icon shown to the left of a patient profile in the patient list. We recommend exploring filters on pages in your account to isolate Wellevate and Fullscript data when beneficial to your workflow.

Patient accounts

Patient accounts created in Fullscript can be found on the Patients or Clients page in Fullscript. This page label is dependent on the Dispensary terminology settings of your dispensary. 

What’s imported:

  • Active Wellevate patients
  • Shipping addresses for new patients only

What’s not imported:

  • Patient-level discounts for patients new to Fullscript. Similarly, existing patients won’t see any change to their current discount settings.
  • Phone numbers of new patients will not be imported. Similarly, existing patient phone numbers won’t be updated.
  • Saved credit cards


We recommend using the bulk patient edit tool to update discounts as needed. You can also consider setting a first order discount to encourage patients to order. Learn more.

Patient email notification settings

For existing Fullscript users, existing notification preferences will be maintained. These notifications are managed by patients only; practitioners can’t adjust these settings on behalf of patients.

For patients new to Fullscript who had Email Refill reminders enabled on Wellevate, these reminders will be enabled on Fullscript.

Fullscript has additional emails that can be sent (Plan Reminders and Abandoned Cart Reminders). These will be enabled by default for all patients, but will only be sent for plans created on Fullscript or Carts in progress on Fullscript.


Favorited items in Wellevate will be imported into Fullscript and saved in a category labeled “{Practitioner Name} Wellevate Favorites.” Go to Favorites to view or edit this favorites category.

Depending on your Fullscript catalog settings, this category and its favorites may or may not be visible to patients.

Additionally, if two Wellevate favorites are for different sizes/variants of the same product, they will be merged into one.


Providers can access personal and shared protocols on the templates page. Protocols created on Wellevate will be labeled with a blue ‘W’ icon.

What is imported:

  • Protocol name
  • Message
  • Recommended products
  • Dosage instructions (in text-only dosage format)
  • Product-level additional notes (merged with dosage instructions)
  • Shared (or not shared) status


When Wellevate protocols are imported into Fullscript, they will maintain their public or private status. Templates (as they’re referred to on Fullscript) can then also be shared with specific patients (in the form of Multi-patient plans, a feature unavailable on Wellevate), or shared with other practitioners and staff within the account.

What’s not imported:

  • Attachments
  • Products that aren’t available in the Fullscript catalog


Recommendations created on Wellevate can be accessed from patient profiles. To get there, go to the Patients/Clients page, then search for a patient by name or email. Select a patient to enter their profile, then use the menu to toggle between Wellevate and Fullscript plans.

What is imported:

  • Active recommendations (can’t be edited)
  • Descriptions
  • Recommended products
  • Dosage instructions
  • Product-level instructions


Plans originally created in Fullscript can be updated or canceled. However, recommendations imported from Wellevate are read-only. They can’t be updated, downloaded, or canceled. To provide an updated plan for a patient, create a new plan.

What’s not imported:

  • Draft, Canceled, and Deleted recommendations will not import.
  • Attachments
  • Recommendation reminder emails (disabled after import)


Wellevate recommendations will not trigger Fullscript adherence surveys or reflect on the Insights page.


Wellevate orders can be found in patient profiles or on the Patient orders page.

What is imported:

  • Order statuses
  • Order numbers
  • Products and quantities


Updates to order statuses may be delayed in Fullscript.

What’s not imported:

Tax & reporting

Practitioners can request copies of their 2022 – 2023 Profit and loss reports from our support team. Please allow at least one business day for these reports to be shared with you.

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