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Last modified: July 15, 2024

Catalog permissions and access settings

Catalog permissions

Catalog permissions are set at the dispensary level, applying to all patients in your dispensary. Below are the catalog permissions available to customize and restrict access to the catalog. 

Open catalog

All products in the catalog are visible to the patient and are available for purchase.

Patient Visibility: Full product catalog, Categories & favorites, and Supplement plans.

Private categories and favorites

All categories & favorites will be hidden from patients, but patients can still view and purchase all products in the catalog.

Patient Visibility: Full product catalog and Supplement plans.

Restricted catalog

Only products added to favorites categories or to a supplement plan are available to patients.

Patient Visibility: Categories & favorites and Supplement plans.

Closed catalog

Patients can only purchase products that have been recommended to them.

Patient Visibility: Supplement plans only.

Updating catalog permissions settings

Permissions can be set from your Dispensary settings. To update catalog access permissions:

  1. Select your avatar to open the practitioner menu and select Dispensary settings.
  2. Click Permissions.
  3. Select the Patient tab, then select a permission setting.
  4. Click Save settings at the bottom of the page.
Updating catalog permissions from Dispensary settings.


Permissions can be toggled at any time and will take effect for all patients immediately.

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