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Last modified: October 24, 2024

Participating in Fullscript-run patient promotions

About patient promotions

Patient promotions are an easy way to boost adherence and maintain regular, positive engagement with your patients. Dispensary owners who earn a margin of sales (profit dispensaries) must opt-in to participate, while no-profit dispensaries are enrolled automatically.

Here’s what you can expect from Fullscript regarding patient promotions. We will: 

  • Market the sale to your patients on your behalf
  • Set up and activate the sale on the platform
  • Disable the sale when it’s over
  • Handle all patient questions and issues along the way
  • Ship products directly to patients


Check out Benefits to Running Supplement Promotions on a Virtual Dispensary and Tips to Ensure Your Next Supplement Sale is a Success to learn more about patient promotions and how to run the best promotion you can using virtual dispensing.

No-profit dispensary participation

Patients of no-profit dispensaries automatically receive 25% off products during Fullscript-run promotions, including our Cyber Monday Sale. There’s no action required from you!


No-profit dispensaries haven’t entered tax information and don’t have control to extend additional discounts.

Profit dispensary participation (optional)

Profit dispensaries set up to make a profit must opt in to participate in a Fullscript-run patient promotion. You can choose to opt into all future promotions or specific promotions. With either option, we’ll announce each sale in advance to give you an opportunity to opt out or adjust your patient savings settings.

By participating in patient promotions, you are extending an additional discount which impacts the margin you earn on orders placed in your dispensary.


Additional practitioners and staff cannot manage patient promotion settings. For more commonly asked questions, refer to the Patient/Client promotions page for more FAQs in your account.

Profit dispensaries: Opt in to patient promotions

Dispensary owners must opt in before the deadline to participate. This deadline varies by promotion and is communicated in announcements and emails leading up to the promotion. The Patient promotion page is locked after the deadline, preventing changes to your opt in/out status and promotional discount.


If the maximum discount allowed for your region is already extended (25% in Canada, 35% in the U.S.), there is no additional discount available for your patients, and you won’t be able to opt in.

To opt in to patient promotions:

  1. Go to the Patient/Client promotions page in your Dispensary settings.
  2. Select how you’d like to participate: all future promotions or specific promotions.
    Opt in for all promotions, or specific promotions

  3. Use the patient savings drop-down to select an additional discount to extend to patients during the promotion. This additional will be enabled and disabled automatically.


Savings are in addition to the dispensary discount and individual patient discounts. Savings can’t exceed the maximum discount for your region — 35% in the U.S. and 25% in Canada.

  1. Click Opt in.
  2. In the pop-up, click Yes, I want to opt in to confirm your participation.

Profit dispensaries: Opt out of patient promotions

You can opt out of promotions so long as you do so before the deadline, which we’ll communicate in announcements and emails leading up to the promotion.

To opt out of patient promotions:

  1. Go to the Patient/Client promotions page in your Dispensary settings.
  2. Select Opt out.
    Opt out button below the selected promotions configuration

Profit dispensaries: Changing additional patient savings (%)

You can modify additional patient savings until the opt in deadline, which we’ll communicate in announcements and email communications during the opt in period. Additional patient savings impact the margin you earn on orders placed in your dispensary. However, based on past success, our data shows participation boosts ordering patients and payouts. Learn more.


A deadline is in place to ensure the sale runs smoothly and successfully. The discount chosen affects the infrastructure needed to host the sale, including promotional emails sent directly to your patients on sale days.

Profit dispensaries: Promotion page and discounts locked after the deadline

The Patient/Client promotions page and all discount settings are disabled/locked roughly one week before a promotion; related settings can’t be edited until the promotion ends. This is necessary for our teams to set up the infrastructure needed to host the sale, including email campaigns that include patient discounts. Our main priority is ensuring a smooth and successful promotion for practitioners and patients alike.

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