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Last modified: May 22, 2024

Practitioner marketing toolkit

About the toolkit

The Practitioner Marketing Toolkit is home to an extensive list of resources created by Fullscript’s Marketing team to help with promoting your dispensary to patients and encouraging engagement.

In the toolkit, you’ll find templates for email announcements, scripted posts for various social media accounts, videos to play in a clinic setting, information around valuable tools you’ll find in your dispensary, and more.  

Explore the toolkit on our website!


Toolkit quick links

Getting started

  • Browse “About Fullscript” descriptions to use on your website, social media, or other mediums to inform patients about Fullscript and how we support your practice.
  • Check out our email templates when you’re ready to send an announcement email and invite patients to your dispensary.

Promoting your practice

  • Promote your practice online with helpful support, ready-made messaging, and more. Simply copy the text and download the image to post on your social media accounts.
  • Gain more exposure for your practice with website buttons and shareable protocols that provide new patients access to add themselves to your dispensary and place orders right away.
  • Keep your Fullscript store top-of-mind by showcasing its convenience and simplicity by playing our ready-made videos in your waiting room or even during your appointments. Both ready-to-stream and downloadable options are available.

Staying top of mind

  • Encourage ordering by sharing patient handouts (download available), sharing your patient order link, and sharing our themed monthly promotional resources created by Fullscript.
  • Staying engaged with patients after they’ve started using Fullscript will also encourage them to stay on top of their wellness journey. Keep engagement high by with our practitioner resources, patient wellness content, and Wellness blog.
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